Saturday, September 6, 2008

My brother and me

We were at Chucky Cheese for Ashen's birthday
and they have that quick pic thing. Anyway,
Shane and I decided to take a picture. We were
trying to hide our double chins and not move and
wait cuz it takes forever. Needless to say, we
were laughing so hard that I couldn't hold still
and if you look, oh there it is, my double chin.
Whatever, ok so what?! Anyway, I decided to
add the other two pictures because since he's
single and my husband is always gone, we're
together alot.


The Circus said...

you're gorgeous even with a double chin!!!! when are we going to play huh?! :)

Melissa O said...

Your brother looks totally different. Crazy. I love the picture at Chuck E. Cheese. Tons of fun.

TiffanyHarrison said...

You are so funny because there is NO double chin!! I love the Danny picture...what a stud!!:^) If he is anything like Scott, then he probably rarely checks your blog it could be days before he even finds out!! And I love the brown baby story!! My little cousin told his mom that they needed to go to Home Depot to pick up a baby sister!! Kids are so stinkin cute!!:^)

Amber said...

You and your brother haven't changed. You are still both the way I remembered. I don't think I have seen Shane for 15 yrs???? Man... How time flies... You both look like you are having so much fun.

Amber said...

Also!!! You are both as cute as ever and I don't see a bit of a double chin. By-the-way Congrats on your baby. I didn't even know you were pregnant. I'm jealous!!! You are so stink'in skinny.

Rachel L said...

I LOVE that smile of you at chuck e cheese. If my double chin looked like yours I'd cry tears of joy. I can't wait to see your brown baby.