Monday, April 13, 2009

Happy Easter!!

It's suppose to be a happy easter but if you'll notice, Kian was crying because he got in trouble. I was running late to get to church and he wouldn't get his shoes on thus getting in trouble. Kylen is screaming because he is hungry and I have to wait till we get to the church to feed him. So, Happy Easter!! It really wasn't a bad day and they sure look cute anyway.


Melissa O said...

I love the picture. isn't that always how pictures turn out. I love that kian is trying to smile so hard. Too cute.

Stephanie said...

Of course I remember you! Lisa was doing my hair the other day and we were talking about how you needed to move back!!! Come HOME! Good to see you! My brother and his wife live in Spanish, John and Loreli Caldwell, you'd totally love her! Keep and eye out for her- Spanish Fork is TINY, right? (JK)

TiffanyHarrison said...

What cute pics! I love all the cute ones of Kylen, the picture of Kel at the mall cracked me up, The pics of Taya with the chips and sunglasses were hilarious. I also loved the pics of our boys in the closet playing barbies! SO CUTE!